The New Dorset Tech Experience

The New Dorset Tech Experience!

Since receiving a large investment, we’ve grown the team, rebranded (launching this month), invested in new processes/systems and we’re excited to tell you about it all!

New Team Structure:

You may have noticed some new names recently. We reached 19 team members in July! We’ve doubled project management, added an operations manager and restructured the team into 3 departments!

New Systems:

We’re nearing the end of “Project Ocacle” – our huge project to build the perfect system for our team and customers. Whether it be a ticket, an email, a phone call, or a project, you’ll be able to see all the info in the new customer dashboard.

New Email Solution:

As Ionos’s 2nd largest partner, we’ve always offered email hosting through them. This works great for most, but this lacks features and many can’t justify the price hike to go for Google Workspace or O365. We’ve therefore invested in a premium solution that we can provide for £0-£2.m.

Improved Hosting:

Hero Host has worked so well and more features are being added in the coming weeks. However, despite being the best value in that class, it’s too much for some of our micro-business customers to justify. We’ve therefore about to launch a cut-down option. Hero Host will soon offer dedicated servers to supplement the cloud offering.

New Accounts System:

Eagle-eyed among you will notice our invoices coming from Quickbooks this month. This Is to support some new automation that will make your experience with us better.

New Tools:

While building our dream system, we tried various solutions, so our new processes have the best of the best. From feedback tools to communication, time-tracker integrations and what we believe is the best project management setup possible.

Improved Pricing Calculator & Payment Plans:

V2 of our calculator has all of our services in one instant calculator and gives you a handy monthly price option next to it.

Improvements to Our SEO Services:

We are also looking at improving our SEO Services to make it easier to communicate what we are doing and why we are doing it as well as easing some of the ambiguity and to make it seem more personalised and transparent. We will be sending a survey to those who already have SEO packages to see how they could benefit more, so keep an eye out!

Coming Soon: Hero CRM

A lot of our customers still manage their business from spreadsheets and don’t have a customer database. We’ll soon be offering a CRM solution that also includes email marketing, social media posting, bookings, invoicing and much more.

Thanks for taking the time to read this we look forward to sharing more with you all in the future, so stay tuned!

Stay Super!

Mikey Ryu
Marketing Director

Adam Reeves

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