Web Design

Dorset Web Design News from the superhero agency. Chris Ryu has been building websites for huge brands for over 15 years. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases. Read our free SEO Tips below.

5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Website

5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Website

If you have a small business that is doing well but you don't currently have a website, you are missing out on selling your products/services. Whatever it may be, by not having a website you are missing out on these things and so much more, which we are going to talk about in this blog. 1. You Can Reach More People When people have a problem, 9 times out of 10 they turn straight to...

Web design Dorset

Tech Heroes: Web Design & Development

Our team of tech heroes have been designing websites for over fifteen years. We know what it takes to get your website seen with a design that ticks all the boxes for the right look and feel whilst having your visitors in mind, making sure it's easy to navigate around and find all they need to know about your business. We know how to connect the dots from your brand to your website and...

Build a new Website with Dorset Tech

Build A New Website

We know it's hard. You may have had your website for a very long time, maybe even since you launched your business. But you've known for a long time something isn't quite right with your current website anymore and it's time for a change. Say for an instant, you are an average smartphone user and you probably upgrade your phone every two to three years, which is crazy when you come to think of...

What We Do Here At Dorset Tech

Dorset Tech has been going since December 2019. It has come so far in the last few years and is progressing more and more each day. Lets talk about all the different services we cover. We offer a range of many services regarding Web Design, Web Development, Branding, Social Media Marketing , Logo Design, Tech Repairs and so much more. You may ask yourself, Why Dorset Tech? Why should we choose us? Regarding using our...

How to improve your sites user experiance

How to improve your sites user experience

Whether you're selling products or services, the user experience is vital to the success of your online leads and sales. Understanding and enhancing your site's user experience can increase your search rankings, leads, and revenue. So below are some tips as to how to improve your site's user experience. Content People want more than a product or service to purchase; they want a story/people to connect to and an experience. You can focus on your...

Want a professional website but have a small budget?

Are you a creative crafter? Maybe you have a little side business on Etsy or a small business on Facebook slowly growing, and you think that having your own website and shop is the next move for you. Do you want a professional website but have a small budget? Look no further, as we have the perfect solution—our Super Simple Sites. Our super simple sites are a pay monthly 12-month contract. You will have a...

New Year Business Goals

New Year Business Goals

Every new year, we make sure to clear out our desks of all the things we don’t need, we get ourselves and our desk space organised and ready to start a new year free of clutter. With every new year comes resolutions that we hope to accomplish, but what about your new year business goals? Is there anything you think ‘Right, this year our business is going to….’ Bring your visuals into 2022 Maybe it’s...

Get your business Christmas ready

By now, your website and marketing materials should have all turned festive for the Christmas season. Visitor's love going onto websites and seeing businesses getting into the Christmas spirit. It boosts morale in the workplace and encourages customer engagement, and if you're an eCommerce site, it can encourage sales. If you're a bit late to the Christmas game and want to make some quick changes to your website or marketing materials, here are a...

5 ways to boost your website conversion rates

Boosting Your Website Conversion Rate

Websites are an invaluable part of our marketing to bring in new leads and sales for your business. Two ways to increase the number of enquiries and sales online; increase visitors and increase conversion rates. Below are 5 ways to boost your website conversion rates to convert website visitors into customers. Landing Pages Homepages are designed to provide the visitor with an overview of who you are as a company and what you do. If...

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