Web Design

Dorset Web Design News from the superhero agency. Chris Ryu has been building websites for huge brands for over 15 years. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases. Read our free SEO Tips below.

web design poole

Web Designer Vs Web Developer

Almost everywhere you look someone is talking about or calling themselves either a web designer or web developer. Thanks to the growth of do-it-yourself services like Wix, 1&1 MyWebsite, GoDaddy and the like, and the availability of reasonably cheap web design/development software like Adobe Muse and SoftPress Freeway, you’d be forgiven for thinking that anybody could be a web designer or a web developer. The question is; what does a professional designer or developer offer?...

Wordpress website free cms

5 Reasons Why Every Website NEEDS a Content Management System

According to a recent study, over 65% websites on the internet aren’t making use of a content management system (CMS). In an online world where content is king, this seems appalling, so we’re here to do our bit of education! A CMS is a software system (often FREE) that enables easy editing of your website content, allowing multiple administrators to log in and keep it up to date. Being found on Google, (in our...

web designer poole

4 Reasons Why We Really Are The Best Web Design Agency in Dorset

We really are the best Web Design Agency in Dorset! A lot of agencies in the web design industry will be the first to tell you that they’re the best at what they do, but they’re much less willing to explain to you why they believe that! This isn’t the case with Dorset Tech, because we actually do what we promise! We understand that you want to have all the fact’s out in front of...

web designer poole

Getting the Most from a Cheap WordPress Website

There’s nothing wrong with having a cheap WordPress website. Spending a lot of money on a website does not necessarily mean that it’s better. After all, having a good website is about making your site work for you. Your site could have limited functionality and design, and still be a great success for your business. Here’s some ways you can get the most out of a cheap WordPress website. Let Dorset Tech Build Your Website Our team...

The Benefits of Remote Meetings

Remote meetings may not be for everyone, but we have found them to be very useful to our customers. We have committed ourselves to offering our clients a service that is high on productivity and low on expenses. Part of that commitment includes offering remote meetings to all our customers in place of face-to-face appointments. Before you ask to meet with us in person, here’s a few reasons why we think you should consider...

web design poole

Remote Workers In a Web Agency

There’s a new army mobilising in towns, villages and cities of our nation, and their numbers are rising. Every day, they contribute to the nation’s prosperity and growth. In fact, dear reader, the author of this very article is one of them, performing super-human feats – well, OK, I’m actually lying on my bed with my iPad typing away in Microsoft Word! That counts doesn’t it? You maybe won’t know that they are there but, rest...

No such thing as bad clients: True or False?

There’s a saying that there is no such thing as a bad client, but is that true? If you know me, you’ll know I am one of the most positive people you’ll ever meet. I see light where it’s dark and often give a new customer a chance, even if I’ve been warned off by their old agency. Granted – every time, these have turned out to be a right pain in the...

Why Your Website Needs A CMS

You can’t be in business today and be online without hearing about a CMS at least once. Now, you might have wondered just what a CMS is, or even in your business needs one. If this sounds familiar and you are considering adding a CMS to your business website, keep reading for some useful information that will help you do just that! What Is A CMS? First, let’s take a look at what a CMS...

Dorset Business Websites

Why Your Dorset Business Needs A Website

As business owners, we all know the importance of a business website and having our businesses online. Any size business can benefit from online exposure and having a website makes it easier for your customers to shop online at your store 24/7. This means more sales and more profits as well as increased growth and sustainability for your business. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the reasons your business...

web design dorset

Why WordPress Is The Best CMS For You

If you are creating a website for your business, chances are you have heard the term CMS and might be unsure as to what it means, if you need one and, if so, which CMS is right for you. First, let’s explain what a CMS is: A CMS, or content management system, is a specially designed software application, or set of related programs, used to create and manage digital content. Do you need...

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