Web Design

Dorset Web Design News from the superhero agency. Chris Ryu has been building websites for huge brands for over 15 years. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases. Read our free SEO Tips below.

Recommended Shows For Quarantine Binge-Watching

Now that we’re all isolated at home, the free time we have been granted is an opportunity to catch up on all those binge-worthy shows we’ve had on our watch list since they were added online. From old favourites to new releases, we should all take this opportunity to kick back, relax, and catch up – Listed below are some favourites for binging, which platform they’re available on, and they’re recommended watching age. Locke...

web design dorset

WordPress Plugin Addiction

WordPress Plugin Addiction is on the rise but what is it? What are the signs and symptoms? Let us explain… As a child, and even sometimes today with Apple or other technology, I had the affliction of ‘shiny new toy’ disease. Put simply, anything new dominated my attention for a few days/weeks/months and sometimes longer (but that was rare) and then, I’d discard said toy/technology in favour of whatever caught my eye next. Now, we at...

web design dorset

WEB DESIGN: The web design process

Over the years there’s been a rapid growth in offerings from the likes of Wix, GoDaddy and 1&1 that seemingly allow you to create a functioning website - all without a professional web designer. The web design process isn't as simple or as easy as they sometimes make it sound, if it’s done properly. Find out how it works with Dorset Tech - the Dorset Web Design experts. Some people think that web design is...

website design dorset

What is a Social Enterprise?

It’s a phrase you’ll see a lot on this website- we’re proud of the fact that Dorset Tech is a Social Enterprise. It means we operate differently to most web and digital media companies- or indeed, most companies. A traditional company operates on the model that profits go to shareholders or company owners. As such, quite often what they’ll do is keep costs to a minimum to maximise the profit- more profit means more...

website builder

Why You Should Never Use a Website Builder

When you’re looking to build a website yourself, it’s very tempting to use one of the many DIY website builders offering themselves for free or cheap. We can see the attraction- you save money on a web developer. You control your website. And most importantly, it’s easy. At this point, we mean things such as Webs, Wix or sometimes you can get website builder software with a hosting package. But what you save in...

web designer dorset

It’s Time to Move Away from Adobe Flash

The death knell for Adobe Flash has been sounding for many years. First, Apple rejected it from their IPhone, IPad and IPod Touch in 2010- the roar of controversy that greeted it seems a bit daft now. Then a series of security controversies greeted dear old Flash, and one by one, Adobe Flash slipped from the go-to plugin to an optional extra- especially after the widespread adoption of HTML5. Which, let’s face it is...

build a website call in professionals

Build A Website: Five Reasons to “Go Pro”

You’re a small business or sole trader that’s looking to build a website for your customers to visit. You see how much some solutions cost (from other companies), and yelp louder than that moment when you discover how much a pint is in London. Then a mate tells you “I can build a website” for a price significantly cheaper. Sounds good. But the problem is you never quite know what you’re getting; and while...

web designer poole

Why won’t my Gmail SMTP work any more?

Why won't my Gmail SMTP work any more? While gmail is probably the most popular email provider, there have been some changes that make it harder to set up emails on some items - a prime example being your website. Some users report only being able to get a business email account managed by gmail to work by paying for the G-suite. Try this first though: In Google Mail, you must allow "less secure" apps...

web design poole

The Importance of a Good Password

Sometimes, there’s nothing more frustrating than signing up to a service, then for that service to ask you to enter a different password because the one you’ve chosen isn’t strong enough. For example, it could ask you to add an exclamation mark, a number or a few capital letters. Such as Fluffy1 instead of Fluffy when you want a password named after your pet rabbit. However, in the world where even mega corporations are not...

seo dorset

Cloudways Hosting Provider Hacked September 2019

Edit: An update has been provided by Cloudways - 10/09/2019 @ 14:23: Read to the end It has come to our attention that Cloudways, the hosting provider trusted by millions, is suspected of being hacked. At the time of writing this it is not clear the extent of the hack and it has not been confirmed by cloudways. Knowing the Cloudways team, they probably have this well under control. If you receive an email from Cloudways...

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