Web Design

Dorset Web Design News from the superhero agency. Chris Ryu has been building websites for huge brands for over 15 years. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases. Read our free SEO Tips below.

web design poole

Why It’s Now Easier Then Ever To Sell Online

As a business owner you might have been putting off selling your products online due to the worries about costs, being complicated and the overall hassle of getting it set up.  We can gladly tell you gone are the days of it being a long drawn out process with many complicated tasks required. We can also tell you it’s not that expensive anymore and in most cases selling your products online via E-commerce...

web design poole

Blog Article Writing – What To Consider

Everyone knows when it comes to getting good free organic rankings in Google that content is king. Having fresh and regularly updated content on your website can substantially improve your search engine rankings. This gives Googlebot a reason to keep coming back and visiting your website. This means your site is always refreshed in the ranking results and your newest content will be shown. Google loves fresh content so this alone should be...

web design poole

The 5 Stages To Doing Business Online

If you’re considering adding an online presence to your business in the form of a website for the first time then knowing where to start can be daunting. It’s no longer the case of simply getting a new website and away you go. There are many factors which you have to consider such as how will you manage the website and all that comes with the new enquiries. Here at Dorset Tech...

web designer dorset

Is My Business Ideal For A Website & Online Presence?

For some businesses having bricks and mortar premises has always been enough and coped plenty with the business requirements. This is more so for businesses that only supply a local service around a certain area. For many companies not having an online presence or website has never been an issue, with word of mouth and local press or radio advertising always providing plenty of enquiries and customers. The question is are all businesses suitable...

web design poole

The Latest Tech News

We’ve put together some of the latest news and stories in the world of Technology in the business, online and entertainment industry. Read what’s happening in the world right here. Self-Driving Taxis: A company in China plans to operate more then a million self-drive taxis by the year 2030. The Robotaxis would work in areas where ride hailing taxis are less readily available. The firm in question received a $500 million investment into...

Working From Home – How To Stay Motivated

One rare positive to come from the lockdown is how well people have adapted to having to work from home. People have surprised themselves with how well they have made the transfer from commuting to walking across the hall to work. With this new way of working comes it’s own struggles and complications. Staying motivated and managing to perform at a level deemed acceptable can be a struggle. So here at Dorset...

web design dorset

Update Present Website or Build A New One?

As a website owner you only have a few seconds to capture the attention and trust of the site visitor, before they click away and go elsewhere, maybe to your competitor. This reason alone should be enough to ensure you always keep your website properly maintained and up to date. Sadly, due to the industry many websites fall behind in terms of performance, design and features. The industry progresses that quick that a...

web design dorset

What you should consider in a new website build

So, the time has come for a new website, or maybe you are updating your old tired looking website. Either way this is probably a more important and key factor in your businesses online success then you realise.  You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention when they visit your website. If your website looks tired or dated, takes ages to load or is simply badly designed you could lose potential...

Adapting Your Business For Corona Virus

It’s a truth universally acknowledged that in times of trouble, the strongest have usually been the ones to survive. In this period of quarantine, social media has been filled with sad messages of business closures and promises to return once the lockdown has been lifted. Coronavirus has threatened the livelihood of millions of Brits, with many businesses facing financial difficulties and workers coming to terms with redundancies and furlough. But that universally acknowledged...

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