Web Design

Dorset Web Design News from the superhero agency. Chris Ryu has been building websites for huge brands for over 15 years. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases. Read our free SEO Tips below.

What is Lead Generation?

If your business has an online element such as a website then you will probably generate enquiries online via some method. One such method is called lead generation. This is the process by which you encourage site visitors to perform an action. This could be completing a form, signing up to something like a newsletter or buying a product. Lead generation is different as it tends to be used by companies that require a...

web design dorset

Where To Save Your Business Money in 2021

With 2021 looming fast now is the time to start preparing plans and putting into place a plan of action to improve your business. With 2020 being a terrible year for most businesses finance has been the major issue for many. Peoples income has suffered and many companies have had to simply let staff go such was the state of the economy. So here at Dorset Tech we thought we’d put together some simple...

New Year – New Goals

For many the business year will be winding down now with just weeks left until Christmas and the New Year. This is of course unless you are an E-commerce store owner then chances are the next few weeks will be your busiest of the year and the last thing on your mind is next year. However as always we need to keep one eye on the future. With the internet and online industry ever...

web designer dorset

What Website Features Set You Apart

With so many websites out there chances are there will be hundreds in your industry, all competing for the same people and the same business. So, the question is what can you do to set your website apart from all the others, to entice people to trust you and perform an action, be it purchase an item, complete a form or simply contact you to discuss your services. You often here about athletes and...

web designer dorset

E-commerce Growth

With Christmas 2020 fast approaching many E-commerce shop owners are gearing up their actions to take advantage of the increased online shopping activity. This year more then ever the boost the festive period brings in terms of spend is welcome. To try repair some of the damage the pandemic has done this year. Online retail in the UK is expected to reach just below 100 billion pounds in 2020. Last year online retail sales...

PPC V SEO – Which Should I use?

When it comes to online advertising, besides social media your 2 main options are PPC and SEO. PPC or pay per click as it’s known is the process where you choose what keywords to bid on and you then set up adverts that appear as sponsored ads on Google, Bing, MSN etc. SEO or search engine optimisation is the process where you get free rankings in search engines by making your website search engine...

web designer dorset


PHPS’s new version 8.0 is expected to be officially released early December 2020. And will bring us a whole bunch of new and powerful features. This will have an impact on new websites as developers use this to code websites and other online systems. The aim of the new release is to simplify highly complex tasks whilst upgrading the new features. PHP is a very popular programming language that has been used for developing...

File Manager Hacked: Nasty new Malware doing the rounds – lowerbeforwarden

EDIT 6th Sept 2020 00:02: Due to the high volumes of requests for help with this virus, we've recorded a video detailing how to fix it. It's a live run through of a real site, so the video is 50 minutes long, but will hopefully help people solve their issues EDIT 5th Sept 2020 15:13: Wow this is affecting a lot of sites! Just done one that was slightly different. In the script the...

Is A New Website An Investment?

When the time comes to think about a new website one thing that puts people off upgrading is if it really is a necessity. Does a new updated and modern website really make that much of a difference to a business?  With websites nowadays costing upwards of £500 this can be a lot of money especially for a small business. This leaves business owners pondering if to stick with their old and dated...

web design poole

What We Learnt During Lockdown

We Can Cook: Having to queue to get into supermarkets for sometimes hours on end kind of put us off going shopping. Restaurants were closed and takeaways closed also. These 3 things combined to have a positive affect on all our culinary skills. We suddenly had to learn how to cook (well some of us did).  With all this spare time and all our favourite things taken away from us  that involved leaving the...

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