Social Media Marketing

Advice on how to use Social Media Marketing for your Dorset Business. Poole and Bournemouth represent our biggest client bases.

The Importance Of Social Media Marketing

Social Media has become the most influential and important virtual space where the platform is not only used for social networking but it a fantastic way of getting your brand out there and your products/services. Done right, it can be the maker between being successful or a failure for you and your business. There is so much more to Social Media Marketing than just putting things on social media- whether that is Facebook, Instagram,...

How To Up Your Social Media Game

If you are a business owner then it is impossible to ignore the huge impact social media could have on your business. If you aren't aware of the many impacts social media has on your business then you need to get up to date with it, fast. You wouldn't want to be missing out on all the potential new business you could have. If you are already spending money on advertising in say...

Using social media for your business

73% of the UK population uses social media on the daily, so using social media to get your business be seen is the perfect tool for doing so. Especially if you are a small business or only just starting up your business. A key factor in using social media for your business is to create a connection with your audience / followers. If you’re authentic with your followers you will automatically build a trust...

Lights, Camera, Call to Action

On a daily basis, consumers see calls to action in many different formats; on websites, emails, social media advertising, etc. But why are they so important? No matter what you're using them for, calls to action are the final puzzle piece to any sales funnel, and we're going to give you a few reasons why you need them. The Sales Funnel Whether you want your customers to give you their contact information, make a limited-time...

Social Media for Business

Around 45% of the UK's population uses social media daily, so using social media for business is the perfect tool to get your brand out there, especially if you're a small business or a start-up. A key benefit of social media for business is creating human connections and developing a following of loyal customers. If you're authentic with your followers, you'll ultimately build trust. People look to brands for insight, solutions, and information. Whatever industry...

Planning your social media marketing strategy for 2022?

Planning your social media marketing strategy for 2022?

The first question you should be asking yourself is, what do you want to get out of your social media platforms this year? Do you want to increase your brands' awareness? Achieve better engagement? Whatever your goals, your goals will define your social media marketing strategy and how much time you will need to dedicate to your social media campaigns. So let's go through some of the things you'll need to consider for your social...

Boosting Social Media Engagement over Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, hopefully, by now, you'll have gotten your social media posts planned, created, and scheduled throughout the Christmas holiday. If not, you have a couple of days to get some sorted! Here are a few quick options you can pick from that can help boost your engagement on your social media channels over the next week or so. Update your profile images Add a little bit of Christmas spirit to your...

Up Your Social Media Game

If you are a business owner then it’s impossible to ignore the impact social media could have on your business. If you aren’t aware of this then you need to get acquainted fast as you could be missing out on potential new business. If you already spend money on advertising in say magazines, local papers or radio stations then it’s worth investing some of that budget into an online social media campaign. Whilst it’s...

Social Media Marketing – How Much Is Too Much?

Social Media Marketing – How Much Is Too Much?

Social media marketing can be a great tool to help build brand awareness, traffic and interact with old, new and potential customers. Placing content about your product or the service you provide in front of people at a specific time can generate business and leads. However people don’t like to be bombarded with buy me, buy me status updates or Tweets on a daily basis.  There is a fine line between providing helpful...

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Top Twitter Hours to Grow Your Business 2019

Interacting with Twitter hours and joining relevant conversations can be a great way to grow your business and set you apart as somebody worth listening to in your chosen arena. Twitter hour? What? What’s a Twitter Hour anyway? A Twitter hour is an event set up on Twitter that allows users to contribute by using a # (hashtag) to a conversation that is held at a specific date and time. The hashtag usually explains what...

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